Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Visual Elements of Art - Space

Thomas Cole’s The Oxbow (Conneticut River near Northampton), 1836 is a painting similar to Claude Monet’s Impression: Sunrise, 1872 particularly because of the use of space. 
 The first painting is a landscape of a river surrounded by trees and grass and a cloud-soaked sky as a view seen from the top of a hill. Thomas Cole has given his artwork a feeling of melancholy and nostalgia due to the dark clouds and the faded misty view. Even though Cole has painted with oil on a canvas, the painting has incredible depth and perspective as the viewer is convinced that they are on the top of the hill in a humid, green environment looking down at the incredible scenery. The perspective used from that high point can be interpreted as hopelessness and the desire to see a larger reality. 

The second painting is also a landscape but instead of a green scenery, Monet has painted the ocean, the sky and a little boat. The fact that the ocean and the sky have been painted with the same colors, almost blending them together making it difficult to determine where the sky begins and where the ocean ends, makes the painting look dreamy and it gives the illusion of space. The only bright color is the orange-pink sun setting in the distance and the little dark boat adds contrast, instantly drawing attention. In this painting, as well as Cole’s, there is atmospheric perspective and both artists have managed to create a sense of depth with that technique. Thomas Cole has painted the tree and plants with more detail and the rest of the view more faintly which is the effect of a texture gradient and a brightness gradient. Monet has not used those techniques because the entire painting is blurry and soft but it still has depth due to the shiny surface of the water, the distant setting sun and its reflection on the ocean and the pink cloudy sky. Both paintings have a sense of calmness and serenity due to their cool colors and mostly because of the realistic illusion of space.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Introductory blog post (Introduction and Favorite Artist)

     My name is Stella Jacqueline Versteeg, I'm 18 years old and I moved here from Europe two months ago. I grew up in California but for the past eight years I have been living in Greece. My mom is from Greece, my dad is from Holland and my sister and I have gone to nine schools because of frequent moving. My major is psychology because I'm fascinated by the human mind and why people do the things they do, but art has also been an interest of mine my whole life. As a toddler, I painted messy art with my favorite colors and as a child, I loved to color everything in front of me with crayons. As a young teenager, I spent my free time drawing portraits and designing clothes I would only dream of wearing. 
     I'm taking this course due to my love of art and how broad the definition of art is because I believe it is anything that is aesthetically pleasing to someone. The fact that we have the chance to make a blog, fill it with art-related posts and at the end of the semester admire our hard work is very satisfactory. This is my first semester of college and an art course involving the internet seemed interesting, challenging, fun and also ideal to what i was looking for which lead me to enroll. 

     My favorite artist is the dutch painter Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669). His work is intriguing because of the incredible expressiveness and intimacy his paintings portray. The quote "The deepest and most lifelike emotion has been expressed and that's the reason the paintings have taken so long to execute." is one of the few things Rembrandt ever said about his work and it shows his intention of capturing suffering and compassion that has existed in humanity since the beginning. My favorite painting is The Return of the Prodigal Son (1669) because of the lighting, coloring and simplicity. The father is overjoyed to see his son again and the reunion is emotional because it's relatable to many people, including me. There could be a sense of forgiveness or willingness to help those who have suffered through darkness. The painting mentioned is listed below.